
How to give CBDs to your pet

Do you know what CBD stand for, and it’s meaning? Is cannabidiol compound good for our pets? What are the risks associated with usage of cannabidiol compounds on our pets? Is CBD approved by bureau of standards for use by pets? What do I mean by the word pets?  What’s the importance of using it? Then, have got answers to your queries regarding this cannabidiol compound. 

Firstly, cannabidiol is a chemical compound that is gotten from cannabis sativa plant .  To pets it’s used as food as well as a drug. Pets are animals kept for pleasure or companion which people feel so affectionate to them. 

Uses for CBD to pets 

This chemical compound is used for pets like pets for healthy reasons. Buying these products of CBD to our pets doesn’t necessarily mean they they’re that safe or beneficial to them. They include; the 

  1. Anxiety 
  1. Cancer 
  1. Pain 
  1. Arthritis 

CBDs are not currently approved by FDA for use in pets both as food or drug. Keep in touch with this article as will cover for anything you need to know about CBD uses for pets. Here is some uses for cannabidiol to pet, pets. 

  1. It assists in treatment of epilepsy. 
  1. Treatment of bowel diseases which might be too irritating. 
  1. Treatment of chronic pains.e.t.c. 

Ways to treat diseases using CBD to pets and by what method 

This CBD comes it different forms like oils, creams, and treats. But the efficacy of each form is in question i.e they have not been approved at all. For treatment of epilepsy on pets, it has been suggested that a veterinarian should use CBD oil and give it orally. 

This method is more effective than gel capsule or creams. Despite due to some unforeseen circumstances, there is need for more research before bringing it into conclusion.  

Effects of CBD to pets 

While administering CBD to pets you can learn how is it behaving? Whether positive or negative reactions then you get to understand what best suits for your pet. For example, if you apply CBD crushed capsule to pet’s body which has been affected by fleas hence cause to it’s discomfort and after two hours you find that the pet is showing more severe signs of discomfort then the CBD has been reacted badly to that disease or you applied more than the pet’s weight or years. 

How to give CBDs to your pet 

Below have got some tips on much dose of CBDs you should give to your pet. 

  • Starting dose should be small 
  • Give time for the pet to show reactions 
  • Increase dosage slowly if need be 

While giving pets treatments be aware of inaccurate labeling of products. When using CBDs to your pets it’s good you talk to your veterinarian first. Also keep in mind that FDA products like CBDs has got prescription, then if you are offered one which doesn’t have prescription then it’s not there’s. 

In conclusion, CBDs for pets have got healthy effects and negative effects just like this article has proved to us. Be aware of false prescriptions it’s good to consult your veterinarian before giving your pet a dose. 


Did you know that CBD an extract from the hemp plant, has a lot of health benefits?

CBD which stands for cannabidiol is one of the many ingredients of marijuana. Contrary to the common belief, CBD does not cause the psychoactive feeling as is the case with other strains of marijuana. The specific type of cannabinoid that causes intoxication is the one known as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). To further elaborate about CBD, it should be known that it is not directly extracted from the marijuana plant; it is actually from the hemp plant which is a close relative of the marijuana family of plants. 

A report from the World Health Organization (WHO) has suggested that there are no known public health-related effects caused by cannabidiol. On the contrary, this marijuana ingredient is known to have various health benefits, which this article discusses a few. 

Anxiety reduction 

Various reports from the medical research fraternity have suggested that CBD could help suppress anxiety. Anxiety is usually associated with mental health factors. The human brain is believed to have chemicals solely related to mental health. Therefore, when these chemicals in the brain cells are not controlled, it may pose cases of advanced anxiety. Cannabidiol is therefore believed to be helpful in such scenarios. It works by helping the brain receptors respond to these chemicals. The suppression of the effects of these chemicals leads to cases of less stress and reduced heart rate thus reducing anxiety. 

Pain relief 

Research from other medical reports indicates that the effect of CBD on brain receptors not only helps reduce anxiety but also relieves pain. Medical research further suggests that patients healing after chemotherapy sessions shows low cases of feeling pain after taking cannabis-related products like cannabidiol. According to other research findings, patients suffering from complications such as spinal cord injuries, muscle pain, and arthritis experience reduced pain after using this marijuana component –cannabidiol. Furthermore, researchers noted that cannabidiol has anti-inflammatory effects which to a larger extend, help in reducing pain for patients suffering from pain-related complications. 

Acne treatment 

Studies from other medical research have indicated that Cannabidiol also affects receptors in the body’s immune system. It’s believed that CBD helps the body’s immune system fight inflammation effects. From these studies, it’s widely predicted that the major cause of acne is inflammation of the skin. Since CBD helps fight inflammation, it therefore indirectly helps prevent acne thus treatment of acne. Additionally, medical researchers have found that cannabidiol can cause less activity on the sebaceous glands. These glands are the ones which are responsible for producing a chemical substance that causes acne. By reducing the production of this chemical, CBD, therefore, helps in the fight against acne. 

It has always been a common belief that CBD is marijuana. But contrary to what most believe, cannabidiol is just one of the components of marijuana. It is simply one ingredient among other ingredients of marijuana. Furthermore, the above discussion clearly shows that cannabidiol has many health benefits to the human body. From anxiety relief to cancer treatment, this marijuana ingredient seems to offer a lot of benefits over the negative effects that have been believed to cause.