

Cannabis, also known as marijuana, is quite popular. It was used medically to relieve pain but has, over time, been used for recreational purposes. One can smoke it in the form of cigarettes; it is also put in cookies, cakes, and pastries and is recently used as a vaporizer. 

Whether weed is addictive has no clear answer, but research shows that its use over a long time causes addiction. Quitting marijuana is not an easy road, and the first step to that journey is the addict deciding that they want to leave. Once the decision is made, there are options for how to do it.

Quitting gradually

One of the ways one can quit cannabis is by doing it gradually. The first step in this method is to identify how much weed one consumes in a day, which gives a clear picture of the level of addiction. Since it is a gradual quitting process, one needs to set a goal of how much marijuana one will cut back. For example, someone who smokes four rolls daily can decide to reduce to three each day. 

This decision should be guided by when you aim to quit altogether. Having a reasonable timeline will help you not do it so slowly that you will continue. Through this period, be patient with yourself. It might take longer than expected; you may have a slip-up. Don’t give up, even if this happens. Stick to your commitment to quitting.

Gradual quitting allows one an opportunity to learn coping skills on the go. Identify what weed was doing in your life and as you cut it out slowly, learn how to fulfill that need more healthily. For example, if cannabis reduces work stress and lifts moods, one can practice breathing exercises to relieve stress instead of smoking pot. 

Quitting cold turkey

This refers to an addict stopping the use of cannabis at once. As much as the results of this method are seen quickly, it is much harder to do. Several reasons made led one to choose this method. Medical issues, work-related issues, and some believe in ending a habit once and for all. Those who opt for this route should be prepared to deal with withdrawal. The effects last for one to two weeks. 

Once you have quit, there are several ways to ensure you don’t slip up. 

These are; 

  • One can stop buying weed and eliminate all your avenues of getting it. 
  • Lose your dealer’s number.
  • Change the company you would get high with, and destroy the accessories you would use to get high. 
  • Let people know that you quit and are in recovery. They will keep you accountable. 
  • Find ways to distract yourself. Try out new things, get new hobbies. Having your mind occupied will be essential in preventing a slip-up to using cannabis.

Addiction comes with a lot of embarrassment, but opening up to your close circle and letting them know what is happening is very important. Support is vital in this journey, and Online Dispensary in Canada called GetGreen Delivery offers all the support needed for this.

In conclusion, quitting cannabis is not easy, and it is very doable for those who take the necessary steps. Good luck!